Have you ever wanted a comprehensive books list that the most skilled and insightful Social Workers and Helping Professionals use in their practice?

If your brain is ANYTHING like mine... it gets overwhelmed by the amount of available resources out there that claim to give the best results for clients.

I needed that one resource that I could refer back to when I needed a book to help me better understand a client issue.

Well I created this curated book list for you (and for myself)…

Many of these books I have read and have in my personal library. So I can attest that they will surely help you along your Social Work Journey.

My name is Manicka Thomas and I am the Owner and Clinical Director at Kindred Connections Therapy Center, a Mental Health private practice that works with African American children youth and families impacted by trauma.

I was the NASW Ohio 2018 Social Worker of the Year and my practice was 2018 Agency of the Year. 

I am also a Youtuber and the creator of the Afrocentric Social Worker, the number #1 Podcast for Social Workers, Counselors and Helping Professionals who are looking to create better outcomes within the African American community.

With everything that I create, my goal is to help make the challenging work that we do everyday for vulnerable communities just a LITTLE bit easier.  

I always say, as Social Workers and Helping Professionals, we have to heal ourselves before we can heal others.

So, I suggest that you go about using this Book List in that same way. That is, to first understand how the ideologies, principles, strategies and concepts apply to your own life and THEN think about how those concepts translates into how you can better show up for your clients.

I'd love for you to share this resource on Twitter with other Social Workers and Helping Professionals who are making a difference!



Understanding Trauma and Attachment

The Boy Who Was Raised As a Dog

When The Body Says No 

Trauma Stewardship 

The Attachment Theory Workbook

The Body Keeps Score

Principles of Trauma Therapy

A Child Called It

Daring Greatly

Three Little Words 

Trauma and Recovery

The Courage To Heal

Braving the Wilderness 


EMDR and Trauma

Tapping In

Self Guided EMDR Therapy & Workbook

EMDR The Breakthrough Therapy

Getting Past Your Past


Racism/White Supremacy

The Destruction of Black Civilization 

The Wretched of the Earth

Breaking The Chains of Psychological Slavery


Reconstructing the Gospel

Yurugu: An African-Centered Critique of European Cultural Thought and Behavior

White Fragility
The Racial Healing Handbook


African American Cultural Competence 

Spare the Kids 

The Miseducation of the Negro

Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome


Understanding Behavior Dysregulation

The Whole Brained Child

The Great Behavior Breakdown

The 72 Hour Hold

The Developmental Psychology of the Black Child 

Countering the Conspiracy to Destroy Black Boys


Understanding the Education System

For White Folks Who Teach In The Hood


Understanding Social Issues

Bridges Out of Poverty

The New Jim Crow

The Color of Law


Enhancing Social Worker Competence/Self-Help

The Resilient Clinician

The 4 Agreements

Atomic Habits

Deepest Well

The Seat of the Soul

What Therapist Don’t Talk About and Why

Where to Start and What to Ask


Narcissism and Codependency

Codependent No More

The Human Magnet Syndrome 


Depression and Anxiety

Feeling Good 

When Depression and Anxiety Have a Voice 


Suicide Prevention 

How I Stayed Alive When My Brain Was Trying To Kill Me

Are you ready to stand out from the competition

and have a well designed and PROFESSIONALLY CRAFTED RESUME, cover letter, and CV by a Licensed Social Worker? 

Let me help you prepare to up-level your career by grabbing my Social Work Resume Templates!


And there you go!

This is a LONG list, that I will keep adding to as I read more books.

I would LOVE to know which ones on the list are your favorites!


Remember...Your Power Is Already Within You...Go Within...Find It, Grab It...And Share it With the World!


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